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The Complete Guide to Cycling Chile

By Kamalpreet Singh

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Understanding Chile

The word Chile literally translates to “where the land ends” in the tongue of the indigenous Aymara people who inhabit the region.

The southernmost country on earth is blessed with natural beauty so surreal, it can turn anyone into a poet.

Which is why Chileans have another nickname for their country — land of the poets. Two Nobel-prize winning poets, Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral were Chileans.

Here's your complete guide to cycling Chile, this land of unsurpassed beauty that sits, quite literally, at the edge of the world.


Located on the western edge of the South American continent, Chile is the southernmost inhabited country on earth. It extends from the latitudes 17° South to the Cape Horn located at 56° South. Cape Horn is the southernmost point of land outside of Antarctica.

Chile is also the narrowest country on earth, with an average width of only 177 km ( 110 mi). This contrasts with its extraordinary length, which extends over 4,270 km (2,653 mi) from north to south. For comparison, the conterminous United States is only 2,660 kms (1,650 mi) in length from north to south.

As a result, cyclists should expect to be close to the ocean at all times when cycling in Chile.

Chile’s topography can be visualized as two mountain ranges running parallel to each other, with a lowland in between. These two mountain ranges are the Andes mountains, which run along Chile’s western border with Bolivia and Argentina, and the Coastal Range, which runs along Chile’s eastern Pacific coast.

As a result, nearly 80% of Chile’s land area is mountainous, and everywhere you go cycling in Chile, you are never too far away from the mountains.

Since the Coastal Range of mountains acts as a rain shadow for rain bearing winds coming from the Pacific, while the Andes prevent rain bearing winds from the Atlantic, creating a unique double rain shadow effect, the region falling in between their higher reaches receives practically no rainfall.

This unique double rain shadow effect has resulted in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile being the driest non-polar desert in the world. In fact, some parts of the Atacama are so arid that they are completely devoid of any life, something unique to earth as even the most inhabitable parts of earth usually have some forms of life.

The Atacama desert is used by space agencies such as NASA to test instruments for future Mars missions. Due to the lack of habitation, no precipitation, and the accompanying lack of light and air pollution, and its high altitude, the Atacama Desert in Chile also has the clearest night skies in the world. This has led to the setting up of a large number of astronomical observatories in the desert.

Chile also has a large number of volcanoes. The highest volcano on earth, the Nevado Ojos del Salado is located in Chile. At 6,893 meters (22,615 ft) above sea level, it is also the highest mountain in Chile.

While northern Chile is home to the Atacama desert, central Chile is fertile with a temperate climate resembling that of central and northern California. Most of Chile’s population, its farmlands, and its famed vineyards are located in Chile. Most major cities, including its capital, Santiago, are also located here.

This region is blessed with an extraordinary number of lakes. It is also considerably narrower than the rest of Chile, which means that the snow-capped peaks of the Andes are an almost constant sight throughout.

Southern Chile encompasses the famed Patagonia region which it shares with neighboring Argentina. Well known for its fjords, glaciers, and temperate rainforests, southern Chile’s Patagonia region has a cold climate moderated to some extent by its proximity to the Pacific Ocean.

It is also home to the Patagonian ice field, a vast region covered with ice which is the third largest icefield in the world after those in Antarctica and Greenland.

The far south of Chile is cold and receives plenty of snow. The Magallanes province is the southernmost Chilean province, and also its largest. Due to its location, it is sparsely populated.

Its capital is Punta Arenas, the southernmost city in the world with more than 100,000 inhabitants. It is located at a latitude of 53°10′S and a longitude of 70°56′W.

Chile is one of the handful countries in the world to have fjords — narrow sea inlets bounded by steep cliffs that are formed by glaciers.

Flora and Fauna

Given Chile’s extraordinary length, Chile’s flora and fauna are also extraordinarily diverse. More than 20% of Chile’s land area is protected forests. Nearly 50% of the vegetation in southern Chile is endemic, which means it is found in no other place on earth.

The araucaria araucana or the Monkey Puzzle Tree is Chile’s national tree. It is found especially in the central Lake district.

Other common trees that you are likely to spot while cycling in Chile include Chilean cedars, roble beech, and rauli beech, all native to Chile and Argentina.

The alerce or Fitzroya tree, also known as the Patagonian cypress is a tall conifer tree common in southern Chile. Easily growing up to 60 m in height and 5 m in trunk diameter, it is the largest tree species in South America. One specimen of this tree in southern Chile is over 3,000 years old, and is considered the second-largest living organism in the world.

The Chilean bellflower, or lapageria rosea is the national flower of Chile.

Compared to its diverse flora, Chilean terrestrial fauna is somewhat limited, especially when it comes to land mammals. This is because Chile’s narrow shape, bounded by the high Andes mountains to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and Atacama desert to the north prevent the movement of animals.

Common mammals found in Chile include guanacos, a type of wild llama, minks, armadillos, culpeos or the Andean fox, opossums, and cougars. However, most of these can only be spotted in national parks. Pudu deer, the smallest deer in the world, is also found in Chile.

The huemul or the South Andean deer is the national animal of Chile and is also featured on the country’s coat of arms, along with the Andean condor, the national bird.

The Andean condor, also known as the Chilean condor is Chile’s national bird. It is the largest bird of prey in the world. It is also one of the longest living birds in the world, with a lifespan of 70 years.

Even though its habitat is now threatened by human activities, it is still possible to spot this magnificent bird when cycling in Chile. They’re more common in the lush central Chilean region, with its numerous lakes.

Chile has a far greater variety of marine mammals, and several of them can actually be spotted from the Chilean coast. Common Chilean marine mammals include blue whales, sea lions, elephant seals, sea otters, and dolphins.


Given Chile’s extraordinary length, its climate is a function of the latitude. Northern Chile is tropical, except in the Atacama desert, where the climate is hot and dry. Central Chile, which is home to most of Chile’s population and its largest cities including the capital Santiago, has a Mediterranean climate. This is also the region where most of the cycling in Chile happens.

The average temperature in this region is 19.5 °C ( 67.1°F)in the summer months of January and February and 7.5 °C (45.5°F) in the winter months of June and July. Southern Chile has an Antarctic climate.

The higher reaches of the Andes mountain too remain cold and snowbound for most of the year.


Chile is a high-income and developed country.

Its GDP per capita of $16,616 in 2024 is the highest in South America. It was the first country from South America to become a member of the OECD group of developed countries. As of 2024, Colombia is the only other South American country that is a member of OECD.

Chile has a population of just under 20 million people, and a population density of 25 people per square kilometer.

Chile is unique among developed, western nations in that most of its wealth comes from the primary sector, which is, mining and agriculture. Perhaps Australia is the only other OECD country that has a similar reliance on the primary sector for its wealth.

Mining is the most important sector of Chile’s economy. Chile is by far the world’s largest producer and exporter of copper, accounting for nearly a third of the world’s copper production. Copper exports also account for nearly 58% of all of Chile’s exports.

Chile is also the world’s largest producer of iodine, and the second largest producer of lithium and molybdenum. Chile also has significant reserves of silver and gold.

After mining, agriculture is the most important sector of Chile’s economy. Within agriculture, Chile specializes in the production of high-quality fruits that grow in abundance in its salubrious Mediterranean climate.

Chile is among the world’s top 10 largest producers of grapes, cherries, cranberries, apples, kiwis, peaches, plums, and hazelnuts. This, despite the fact that only 2.62% of Chile’s vast land area is arable land. The rest is either mountain or desert.

Chile is also known for its high-quality wines. Among new world wines, Chilean wines are held in the same regard as Californian wines. In 2023, Chile was the fifth largest producer of wine in the world, after France, Italy, Spain, and the United States.

Chile is the world’s second largest producer of salmon in the world after Norway, and seafood in general, is abundant and of the highest quality in Chile.


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Which Are the Best Regions for Cycling in Chile?

The best regions for cycling in Chile are located in Central Chile, as the south is too cold and the north is desert. We’re listing the best regions for cycling in Chile below, moving from south to north.

1. Los Lagos

Los Lagos is a region in Central Chile which is named after the numerous lakes that are located here. The name Los Lagos literally translates to “Region of the Lakes”, and there are 8 lakes that are considered large, with numerous other smaller lakes spread out across the region.

It is the southernmost region of Chile which is ideal for Chile. To its south is the Aysen region which is Chile’s most sparsely populated on account of falling in the Patagonia zone.

Los Lagos is home to the second largest lake in Chile, Lake Llanquihue, spread out across 860 square kilometers (330 sq mi).

It is also home to one of the largest settlements of ethnic Germans in South America. The settlers, who migrated to Chile between 1850 to 1914 have carved out a little slice of Germany here, complete with charming villages that still retain Germanic influence in their architecture.

2. Los Rios

The Los Rios region is situated to the north of Los Lagos. It literally translates to the region of the rivers. Like Los Lagos has its lakes, Los Rios has its rivers. The region is extensively drained by a network of rivers that are tributaries of two major rivers — the Valdivia river to the north and the Bueno River to the north.

Los Rios also has plenty of lakes, including the famous Panguipulli lake surrounded on all sides by snow-capped peaks of the mountains. The Panguipulli, in turn, is a part of the seven lakes system. This region is very beautiful to cycle in.

Large parts of the region are also covered by Valdivian temperate forests, characterized by dense undergrowths of bamboos and ferns.

Like Los Lagos, Los Rios also has a large presence of ethnic German settlers, especially around the city of Valdivia. The Bierfest Valdivia, held in January-February each year, is like a Chilean version of the famous German Oktoberfest.

Valdivia is the cultural and economic nerve center of the Los Rios region. The Valdivia International Film Festival is one of the most important film festivals in South America. Likewise, the Valdivia International Jazz Festival and the Valdivia Book Fair are important cultural events organized in the region.

When cycling Chile, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to plan your itinerary so it can coincide with some of these cultural events.

3. Araucania

Araucania, located to the north of Los Rios, is known as Chile’s granary on account of being Chile’s principal agricultural region.

It has a large population of the indigenous Mapuche and Pehuenche people. The province gets its name from the majestic Araucania araucana, or the monkey-puzzle that is native to the region. It is an impressive, prehistoric looking tree that grows to a height of 30–40 m (98–131 ft), and yields a large nut which can grow up to the size of a basketball. The nut is widely consumed by the local population.

Temuco is the largest city in the region.

The town of Pucon, located 100 kms south of Temuco is a major tourist attraction. It is located at the base of the Villarrica volcano, and along the banks of the Villarrica lake.

At 2,860 m (9,380 ft) above the sea level, the peak of the Villarrica volcano remains permanently covered by snow and glaciers. As a result, it is a popular hub for skiing and hiking. It is one of the 10 most active volcanoes in the world.

The Villarrica lake is also popular for water sports such as sailing, kayaking, and sports fishing.

4. Biobio

Biobio is located to the north of Araucania. It is home to Concepcion, Chile’s second largest city after its capital, Santiago, and famed as a charming university town.

The region is home to large forest plantations that are cut down periodically for timber.

The port city of Talcahuano is visited by tourists interested in marine and naval history. It hosts the Huascar, a Peruvian ironclad turret ship built in 1865 that was captured by the Chilean navy during the war between the two countries. Today, it is one of the oldest and largest floating museums in the world.

5. Nuble

Located to the north of Biobio, Nuble marks the start of Chile’s wine country. The Itata Valley located in Nuble is well known for its wine production. Carignan, Muscat of Alexandria, and Pais are the most common grape varieties grown here.

The climate begins to get more temperate as one moves north from the Nuble valley.

Other major attractions in the region include its capital city Chillan which is famous for its farmers’ market and street fair known for the sale of local crafts. Temas de Chillan is another major tourist hub, known for its ski resorts and hot springs. 6. Maule The Maule region is named after the river of the same name which bisects the region into roughly two halves. The river is considered significant in Chilean culture, and finds mention in several important works of Chilean literature.

Maule is also where the famous Curico Valley is located. Perhaps the single most important center of Chilean wine production, nearly 50% of Chile’s wine exports come from the Curico Valley. Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc are the dominant grape varieties grown in the Curico Valley.

Maule is the most rural and least urbanized region of Chile. While cycling here, it is common to see charming villages with traditional Chilean houses and horse drawn carts laden with farm produce.

The Nobel Prize winning Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda, was born in the city of Parral in the Maule region.

7. O'Higgins Region

O’Higgins is the only region of Chile named after a person, after one of the founding fathers of the country, General Bernardo O’Higgins

The O’Higgins region is special as it is the heart of the Chilean Huaso culture. Huasos are skilled Chilean horsemen who take care of cattle and farmland. In essence, they are Chilean equivalents of the American Cowboys, the Mexican Vaqueros, and the Argentinian Gauchos.

O’Higgins is also the center of Chilean fruit production — 1 out of every 4 hectares of fruit orchards in Chile are located in this region.

The O’Higgins region is also where the famous Colchagua Valley is located. The Colchagua Valley is well known for its fine red wine.

8. Santiago Metropolitan Region

The Santiago Metropolitan Region is centered around Chile’s capital, Santiago. It is the only landlocked region out of Chile’s 16 regions.

Highlights for cyclists here include the city of Santiago itself, with its historical and modern architecture, and the Maipo Valley, known as the birthplace of Chilean wine production.

9. Valparaiso Region

The Valparaiso region is located to the north of Santiago and represents the beginning of the northern limit of Chilean wine production. It is home to the famous Casablanca Valley and the Aconcagua wine region.

However, the highlight of the region is the city of Valparaiso itself. The second most populous city in Chile after Santiago, Valparaiso is, arguable, the cultural capital of Chile.

Built on steep hillsides overlooking the Pacific, Valparaiso gives the impression of being built like a natural amphitheater. An important sea port since medieval times, it is also known as the jewel of the Pacific. Its colorful buildings, young population, and relaxed atmosphere give it a distinctive bohemian vibe, reminiscent of San Francisco before it became a technology hub.

Valparaiso is known for its unique architecture and urban landscape that has preserved its historic roots, while making space for the modern. Its historic seaport quarter is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for being an exceptional example of heritage associated with the international sea trade of the 19th century.

The Vina Del Mar International Song Festival, one of the longest running music festivals in the world, is also held annually in the third week of February in the city of Vina Del Mar located in the Valparaiso region.


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Which Are the Best Cycling Routes in Chile?

1. Chile Lakes and Volcanoes Bike Route

This is a cycling route that passes through three regions of central Chile — Araucania, Los Rios, and Los Lagos.

This route starts at Pucon in Araucania, before heading south into Los Rios where it takes cyclists around the beautiful Panguipulli Lake and the Seven Lakes region.

Heading further southwards, the route then enters the town of Puerto Varas in the Los Lagos region. Also known as the City of Roses because of its red architecture, and the rose beds that line the streets of the city.

The city is also famous for its German architecture introduced by the German settlers who migrated here in the 19th century. There are several German bakeries and breweries that serve German craft beer. Highlights

  • Experience indigenous Mapuche culture
  • Relax and rejuvenate yourself at natural hot springs
  • Ride through breathtaking vistas of snow capped volcanoes and glacial lakes
  • Go hiking in the temperate rainforests around Darwin’s trail
  • Understand the culture of German migrants in Chile

2. The Chile Wine Route

This is a route that goes through the heart of Chile’s wine growing region. Cyclists can start biking from Chillan, the capital of the Nuble region where the Itata Valley is located. From here, the route heads due north, passing through the Curico Valley in Maule, Colchagua in O’Higgins, Maipo Valley in Santiago, and Casablanca Valley and Aconcagua in Valparaiso.

The total distance would be between 600-700 kms ( 372-435 miles) and it can be done in around 12-14 days.


  • Ride through the most famous wine growing regions in Chile.
  • Experience rural Chilean culture in Maule, and Huaso culture, which is the equivalent of American Cowboy and Argentinian Gaucho culture, in O’Higgins.
  • Explore UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Valparaiso.
  • Enjoy the cosmopolitan culture of the city of Santiago

3. The Carretera Austral

Carretera Austral literally translates to the "southern highway" in Spanish. This 1,240 kilometers (770 mi) route starts from the city of Puerto Montt in the Los Lagos region and heads south, ending at the town of Villa O'Higgins in the Aysen region after crossing the Chilean Patagonia.

The Aysen region is Chile's most sparsely populated region, and despite its great length, the Carretera Austral highway provides access to all of 100,000 people. The primary purpose of constructing this highway was strategic. Given the difficult terrain in southern Chile, consisting of dense forests, fjords, glaciers, and high mountains, the only way to reach the Aysen region and beyond was via Argentina.

In 1975, General Augusto Pinochet began the arduous task of connecting a road link to this remote part of Chile, and the Carretera Austral was thrown open to public in 1988. It is also known as the Augusto Pinochet highway or Route 7.

The Carretera Austral is perhaps one of the most scenic highways in the world, passing through fjords, glaciers, forests and mountains. However, it is also a very isolated road, and large parts of the highway continue to remain unpaved.


  • Ride past the ancient Valdivian temperate rainforests
  • Visit the Queulat National Park, famous for its hanging glaciers and glaical waterfalls
  • Stay at Puyuhuapi, a small town of mixed German and Mapuche population number around 800 inhabitants which is located on a fjord.
  • Visit the stunning Marble Cathedrals, a network of cave-like formations formed by over 6,000 years of erosion by sea water into calcium carbonate of the peninsula.

When Is the Best Time for Cycling Chile?

Peak Season

The best time for cycling Chile is from October to December and from March to April.

Since Chile is in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are reversed, and October to December is spring in Chile, while March-April is fall.

The temperature during this time in the Lakes and Volcanoes region varies between 10ºC to 25ºC (50°F to 77°F) with occasional rainfall.

Shoulder Season

January-February is also fine for cycling for those who don’t mind a little extra heat. This is the peak of the summer in Chile, and the temperatures in the Lakes and Volcanoes region of south-central Chile vary between 15ºC and 35ºC (60°F to 95°F).

Since one is never too far from the Pacific Ocean when cycling in Chile, always be prepared for a little rain.

Enjoying Chilean Cuisine

Chile’s cuisine is a mix of the culinary traditions of the indigenous peoples of Chile which they have carried down through thousands of years, the cuisine of the Spanish conquistadors, and the culinary habits of the later European settlers, most notably the Germans and the Italians.

Since Chile produces an abundance of fresh fruit, grain, and vegetables, expect to find delicious and fresh food everywhere you go. And ofcourse, wine is always on the menu in the world’s fifth largest producer of wine.

Here are our recommendations for five dishes you must try when cycling in Chile.

1. Los Pasteles De Choclo

Perhaps the one dish that has the best claim to be called the national dish of Chile, Los Pasteles De Choclo is a casserole made from tender corn, meat and spices. The corn is first ground into a paste, then cooked with milk and lard. Minced beef or chicken is then added to it along with black olives and eggs. It is found everywhere in Chile, and each place has its own local variant of the dish.

2. Mote Con Huesillo

This is a popular summer drink that you will find being sold by street vendors, in farmers’ markets, and served at Chilean homes. Huesillo is the Chilean word for peach, while Mote is wheat berries. The drink is made by cooking dried peaches in sugar, water, and cinnamon, then adding wheat berries. The drink is served in a tall glass with a dessert spoon.

3. Mapuche Curanto

Curanto is more a cooking technique than the name of a specific dish. It has been used by the indigenous Mapuche people of central Chile for millennia. It involves digging a hole about half a meter deep and placing stones in it.

These stones are then heated till they are red hot, after which they are covered with rhubarb leaves. Then the ingredients such as sea food, potatoes, meat etc are placed on them, and everything is then again covered with more leaves and soil and left to slowly cook for hours.

This way of slowly cooking food preserves its flavors, and is definitely worth the wait of a good few hours that it take to slowly cook.

4. Baumkuchen

Baumkuchen is a German word that literally translates to “tree cake”. The dessert is a staple in the cuisine of German settlers in the Los Lagos region. The cake has characteristic rings that resemble the rings of a tree or a cut log, thus giving it its name. This is a must-have if you’re cycling in Chile and are in the German areas of central Chile such as the town of Puerto Varas.

5. Pisco

Pisco is a distinctive amber-colored liquor that is native to Chile and Peru. It is made by distilling fermented grape juice and has a high alcohol content compared to wine.

Chile Visa Requirements

Chile has a liberal visa policy based on reciprocity. Which means that Chile follows the same visa policy towards a country that the said country has towards Chilean citizens entering its borders.

As of June 2024, citizens of the USA, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, Russia, Japan, South Africa, UAE, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico, Malaysia, Turkey and all member states of the European Union do not need a visa to enter Chile for visits of up to 90 days.

Additionally, citizens of all South American countries except Venezuela and Suriname do not need visas to enter Chile for visits of up to 90 days.

Australian citizens need a visa to enter Chile, however, they can apply for this visa online.

Citizens of all other countries need a Chilean visa to enter the country. Moreover, this visa can only be applied through the Chilean diplomatic mission in the respective countries.

Handy Info


The Chilean Peso is the official currency of Chile. As of June 2024, 1 US Dollar = 945 Chilean Peso.

All major credit cards are accepted in Chilean cities. In the rural areas however, cash is preferred. The US dollar can be used for small transactions in touristy areas and in hotels. For all other transactions, it is advisable to keep some cash in the local currency handy.

You can get cash at ATMs or you can exchange your currency for Chilean Pesos at “Casas de Cambios” that are present in most cities and towns.


The Arturo Merino Benitez International airport in Santiago is Chile's main international airport. This is the airport that most international visitors to Chile land in. It has direct connectivity to several international destinations including London-Heathrow, Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Madrid, Barcelona, Houston, Atlanta, Miami, and Sydney.

Given Chile’s length, air travel is well-developed, and the country has several airports connecting its major cities and tourist hubs.

The city of Temuco in the Araucania region has an international airport, as does Concepcion.

Water transport is also important in Chile since Chile is not a very wide country, and often one can simply sail from place to another and cover a short land distance to reach one’s destination.

Buses are the most popular means of intercity travel. Chile’s bus network covers the entire length of the country. Buses are also available to neighboring countries such as Argentina and Peru.

Traveling by railways over long distances is not very popular in Chile.

For traveling within cities, buses and taxi cabs are a good option.

Santiago, the capital of Chile, has good public transport. The metro rail and buses are the most efficient ways of getting around in Santiago. Uber is also available. Valparaiso also has a metro rail system.


Spanish is Chile’s official and the most widely spoken language. In cities such as Santiago and Valparaiso, English is spoken and understood by a large section of the population. However, outside of the cities and tourist areas, most Chileans do not speak or understand English.

Culture and Religion

Due to its isolated geographical location, being bounded to the north by the Atacama desert, to the east by the Andes, and having no neighbors to its east or the south, Chile has developed its own unique culture that is very different from the rest of South America.

The culture is a mix of Spanish influence brought by the conquistadors and that of Chilean indigenous peoples, mostly the Mapuche, with additional elements from later European settlers such as the Germans.

Chileanidad is a term used to describe the Chilean national identity.

Christianity is the most followed religion in Europe, with Catholicism being the dominant denomination. 61% of the Chilean population identifies as Chirstians, with 46% identifying as Catholics.

Chile is home to several beautiful churches. The Churches of Chiloe in the Chiloe archipelago are a UNESCO World Heritage Site for their unique architecture. Unlike classical churches in the rest of Chile that borrow Spanish architectural themes, the churches of Chiloe are built entirely from locally sourced timber. This was done to allow them to withstand the high humidity and oceanic climate of the Chloe archipelago.

Chile is the second least religious country in South America after Uruguay, with 40% of its population stating that they are not affiliated with any religion as of 2023.

Chile’s exceptional natural beauty has inspired several distinguished poets and writers. Two well known poets and Nobel Laureates in literature, Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral, were from Chile, as was the poet-noveist Roberto Bolano. Due to this reason, Chile is also called the land of poets.

Isabel Allende, the world's most read Spanish-language novelist, is also Chilean.

The Cueca is the national dance of Chile. It is performed in traditional Chilean attire, with the men wearing huaso hats, flannel shirts, ponchos, and riding pants and boots, and women wearing flowered dresses.

Appliances and Devices

Electricity is supplied in Chile at 220V and 50 Hz. This is the same voltage as that used by most other countries in the world except those in North America and Japan, where 100-120V is used.

If your device works on a different voltage range, then you may need to use a voltage converter.

Power outlets used in Chile are of the two-pin Type C and three-pin Type-L variety.

Mobile Coverage

Mobile coverage is good in most parts of Chile, except in the mountainous or remote areas. Entel is the largest and most popular mobile network service provider in Chile.

You can use your existing SIM card to make phone calls as long as you have international roaming switched on. Most hotels in Chile have good wifi so you can easily communicate using WhatsApp or Gmail by connecting to the hotel’s wifi.

Time Zone

Chile follows three time zones.

GMT-4 for continental Chile. GMT-3 for Magallanes and the Antarctic Region GMT-6 for Easter Island.

In addition to this, Chile also uses daylight savings time, which causes a 1 hour time difference between summer and winter.

When cycling in Chile, most people, however, would be within the continental Chile region, and thus would be following the GMT-4 (GMT-3 in summer) time.

Through the Notes

Read: The poetry of Pablo Neruda, the novels of Isabel Allende and Roberto Bolano

Watch: Machuca (2004) by Andres Wood, a coming-of-age story about life under the brutal dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet

Listen: The songs of Los Angeles Negros

Eat: Humita, a traditional food from the Andes, made of ground maize paste wrapped in fresh corn husk and boiled in water

Drink: Chilean pisco and red wine

Come Join Us in Exploring Chile by Bike

Our Chile bike tours are designed for cyclists who want to not only explore Chile but also experience it. Each guided bike tour we offer comes with a passionate local trip leader who will provide you with all the support you need, a support van that stays with you throughout the tour, world-class bikes and equipment, fine handpicked hotels, and plenty of tips and information on what to visit, where to eat local, and what to try.

Electric bikes are also available for cycling in Chile on our bike tours.

Get ready to discover the jaw-dropping kaleidoscope of Chilean culture, history, and nature, and come to enjoy its roads with us!

For more information on cycling the most exciting destinations, why not have a look at our complete guides to cycling in Italy and cycling in Japan.


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